Monday, March 22, 2021

VisionNav Robotics AGV participates in the 2021 International Logistics Exhibition


International Logistics Exhibition Site Compact Reportage  

At the "International Logistics Exhibition 2021", one of the largest logistics exhibitions in Asia, held in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture from March 9 to 12, AGVs (AGVs) are attracting increasing attention for labor saving and efficiency improvement of logistics operations. Various AGFs (automatic forklifts) have appeared as part of logistics robots such as automatic guided vehicles. He was actively promoting advanced technologies such as image recognition in an attempt to dispel the image that he was still behind the manned forklift in terms of movement speed.

"Achieving a sense of speed comparable to manned models"

VisionNav Robotics, a startup company in Shenzhen, China, which participated for the first time, has released AGF equipped with the latest sensors and lasers. There is no need to lay guide tapes or magnets on the floor, and the camera on the top of the forklift catches the QR code attached to the walls and pillars of the warehouse and runs. It is expected that the hurdle at the time of introduction can be lowered.

Secures a speed of 1.5 meters per second with no luggage, and 1.3 meters when fully loaded. The company emphasizes that "it can achieve a sense of speed comparable to that of a manned fork." At the venue, demonstrations such as the work of reliably loading and unloading two tiered pallets one by one were carried out.

According to the company, cumulative sales of AGF have reached about 200 units, mainly in China, including Nestle, Wal-Mart and DHL. Although the preparatory work under the influence of the spread of the new coronavirus is delayed, opened a subsidiary in Japan to prospect the 2021 year, we are actively policy is to PR to the Japanese market.

VisionNav Robotics AGV登録2021年国际審展览会



初参加となった中国・深圳のスタートアップ企業VisionNav Robotics(ビジョンナビロボティクス)は、最新のセンサーとレーザーを搭載したAGFを公開。床にガイドテープや磁石を敷設する必要がなく、倉庫の壁や柱に貼ったQRコードをフォークリフト上部のカメラがとらえて走行する仕組み。導入時のハードルを下げられると見込む。





Thursday, March 11, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

未来机器人亮相日本国际物流综合展: 新技术、新方案推进内部物流的革新


今年国际物流综合展(Logis-Tech Tokyo 2021,简称“LTT 2021”)如期举办,未来机器人(VisionNav Robotics)携创新产品和解决方案惊艳亮相。考虑到全球疫情的影响,未来机器人希望通过本次展会,帮助更多的客户通过引入无人驾驶工业机器人产品和方案,快速升级内部物流。

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

VisionNav new solutions at Logs-Tech Tokyo 2021


“尽管疫情是一年前开始的,对于很多生产企业了来说,在这样短的时间内,快速调整整个内部物流依然是不小的挑战”,未来机器人日本销售总监 任娜(kiki.Ren)表示,“相对于改变整个物流流程,如何在保留原有流程上,让其更加高效、无人化,是未来机器人的核心价值所在。”




1.      多层仓储笼/货物堆叠


VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

Automated counterbalanced forklift


2.      窄通道仓储


 VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

SlIM series of automated guided forklift


3.      “货到人”平面搬运


VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

AMR robot


未来机器人 ( 成立于2016年,由香港中文大学、日本东京大学的博士团队组建,公司于2020年完成了由联想创投领头的1亿元人民币B轮融资。未来机器人致力于将人工智能、环境感知、深度学习、伺服控制等技术应用于工业无人驾驶领域,为全球用户提供高性能的工业无人车辆产品及物流无人化方案,帮助企业实现“机器换人”,提高物流效率、仓储库容率和信息化管理能力。





VisionNavがLTT 2021に出展 最新の視覚技術を搭載した無人産業用車両が構内物流を刷新


【愛知(日本)2021310PR Newswire=共同通信JBNVisionNavが国際物流総合展(Logis-Tech Tokyo 2021)(LTT 2021)に展示した革新的な製品やソリューションの背後には、顧客がCOVIDパンデミックも追いつかないほどの素早さで構内物流をアップグレードすることを同社がどのように支援するかという無人化ストーリーがある。

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

VisionNav new solutions at Logs-Tech Tokyo 2021


VisionNavKiki Ren日本販売部長は「パンデミック開始から1年が経っても、製造業者にとって、それほどの短期間で構内物流戦略を変えるのは依然として非常に難しい。既存のプロセスを変更することなく、構内物流のコスト効率を上げ、省力化することこそ、VisionNav Roboticsの真骨頂だ」と語った。




1. ラックや商品の多層スタッキング(段積み


VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

Automated counterbalanced forklift


2. 狭い通路での作業


VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics 

SlIM series of automated guided forklift



Goods-to-person」搬送する作業に最適な選択をするなら、間違いなくAMRロボットである。VisionNav AMRは、補助マークなしに±10mmの作業精度を達成でき、その強力なシステムは130を超えるロボットを群制御し、5000以上の異なるデバイスとドッキングさせることができる。

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

AMR robot )は、香港中文大学と東京大学の博士チームによって2016年に設立され、人工知能(AI)、環境認識、ディープラーニング、サーボ制御技術を無人産業用車両に応用する同社の取り組みは、企業が「人を代替する機械」を実現し、物流効率、保管容量、デジタル管理を向上させるのに役立っている。これまでに同社は、Lenovo Capitalが主導する2020年のシリーズB資金調達ラウンドで1億元の調達を完了している。


VisionNav Robotics

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

 Behind the innovative products and solutions VisionNav showcased at Logis-Tech Tokyo 2021 (LTT 2021) is a driverless story of how the company helps its customers quickly upgrade intralogistics not even to the COVID pandemic.


“Even the pandemic has been going on for a year, it’s still quite difficult for manufacturers to adjust its internal logistics strategy within such a short amount of time.” Said Kiki Ren, Japan sales director of VisionNav, “To make intralogistics cost-efficient and labor-saving, without changing the existing processes, that is the core value of VisionNav Robotics.”


VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

VisionNav new solutions at Logs-Tech Tokyo 2021


During the LTT, VisionNav and its partners have together presented unmanned intralogistics solution: Driverless Industrial Vehicles, AGFs (Autonomous Guided Forklifts) and AMRs (Automated Mobile Vehicles), and VisionNav RCS system (Robot Control System). The solution is suitable for automated materials handling and storage scenarios in manufacturing and logistic enterprises, mainly for three different operations:


1.      Multi-Layer racks/goods stacking

Unmanned stacking is one of the most distinct applications from VisionNav for global market. Based on visual recognition technology and servo control technology, VisionNav’s AGF can stack more than 5 layers of the racks or goods, which was one of the most difficult operations for driverless forklifts to perform, helping customers reduce heavy physical labors.

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

Automated counterbalanced forklift


2.      Operation with Narrow Aisle

VisionNav also showed its automated guided forklift with slim design called “slim forklift”. Its biggest feature is to remove all the driving position for manual operation to make it thinner. As a result, slim forklift can run within 2.0m narrow aisle for storage operations, helping companies to improve storage capacity by at least 30%. Slim forklift could be the best choice for cost-sensitive companies. The new model also attracted huge attention during the show.

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

SLIM series of automated guided forklift


3.      “Goods to person” horizontal transportation

The perfect choice for "goods to person" operation must be AMR robots. VisionNav AMRs can reach ±10mm operation accuracy without auxiliary marks, together with its powerful system, which can schedule over 130 robots at the same time and dock with more than 5000 different devices, to meet different requirements in different scenarios.

VisionNav at LTT 2021: Driverless Industrial Vehicles with Latest Vision Technology Renovating Factory Intralogistics

AMR robot


VisionNav (website:, YouTube Channel: VNBOTwas founded in 2016 by a PhD team from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Tokyo. Now the company has completed its B round of 100 million Yuan by Lenovo Capital in 2020. The company is committed to applying artificial intelligence (AI), environmental perception, deep learning and servo control technologies to driverless industrial vehicles, helping companies to realize "machine replacing human" and improve logistics efficiency, storage capacity and digital management.


So far VisionNav had been deployed more than 50 large-scale projects in China, including many difficult application scenarios, such as unmanned storage for over 9.4 meters high, unmanned storage within only 2.0 meters aisle, unmanned truck loading and unloading multi-layer racks stacking and so on.


Although pandemic outbreak is expected to have lasting influence to manufacturing industry this year, it also brings excellent opportunity for companies to improve intralogistics with new technology in the era of new normal.

VisionNav Robotics are exhibiting International Logistics Exhibition 2021

VisionNav Robotics exhibited for the first time. We are exhibiting AGF equipped with Smart Vision.

"International Logistics Exhibition 2021" is being held!

We are blessed with good weather today and many people are visiting us!

There are only two days left, so if you haven't done so yet, please come visit us.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

VisionNav is presenting AGF (automated guided forklift) and AMR robots to “Logis-Tech Tokyo” in Japan

 VisionNav is presenting AGF (automated guided forklift) and AMR robots to “Logis-Tech Tokyo” in Aichi, Japan from March 9th to March 12th.

Come and visit our booth for more information!


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Visionnav Robotics株式会社、国際物流総合展2021に出展し、無人フォークリフトを初公開


Visionnav Robotics株式会社は毎年で物流業界に革命的な商品とソリューションをリリースしている。今まで、2019年のボックスパレットの多層段積みソリューション及びBright Eye(カメラによるロケーション管理) のシステム、2020CematでのカスタマイズアタッチメントAGF及びトラックの積み付ソリューション

 今年39日~12日の国際物流展2021ではVisionnav Roboticsは最新のAGFを持って出展すると発表した。日本で物流・ロジスティクスの先進情報が収集できる日本唯一・アジア最大級の専門展示会である国際物流総合展は今回愛知県で開催される予定。

Visionnav Robotics株式会社は、香港中文大学及び東京大学の博士チームが2016年に起業し、人工智能、環境感知、ディープランニング、サーボ制御等の技術を応用して、世界中のお客様に高性能の無人フォークリフト(AGF)及び自動化・無人化ソリューションを提供し、工場及び倉庫のの無人・省人化、効率化及びデータの見える化に助力する会社である。

Visionnav Robotics株式会社日本市場の責任者であるKiki.Renは「弊社の商品は中国で50以上の大型実例を持っており、中では難易度の高い9.4mの高層ラックの自動入出庫案件、2mの通路幅で稼働する案件、トラック積み付の自動化を実現する案件及びパレットの多段積みの自動化案件等があります。」と話し、「今回の物流総合展では日本企業のコミュニケーションを通して、現場のニーズを更に理解して、企業様によりいい商品とサービスを提供したいと思います」と今回の物流展に期待を表している。今回Visionnav Robotics社の出展する予定のAGFの注目点

1) 多層スタッキング


2) 狭い通路での保管





更に多くの機能は、D403ブースVisionnac Roboticsにお越し下さい。

VisionNav Robotics Brings Latest Driverless Forklift (AGF) To Logis-Tech Tokyo in Aichi


VisionNav Robotics Brings Latest Driverless Forklift (AGF) To Logis-Tech Tokyo in Aichi


Every year, VisionNav launches innovative products and solutions: "multi-layer rack stacking" solution and the "Bright-Eye" environmental monitoring system was introduced in 2019, counterbalanced truck with clamping attachments for "unmanned truck loading" solution that provoked excitement among visitors at CeMAT Asia 2020...


This year, VisionNav will bring the latest AGF (automated guided forklift) robots to “Logis-Tech Tokyo” in Aichi, Japan from March 9th to March 12th. Logis-Tech Tokyo is the largest material handling and logistics trade show in Japan, in 2018 (last edition) it attracted more than 500 companies and over 74,000 logistics professionals from all over the world.

VisionNav at LTT2021

VisionNav was founded in 2016 by a PhD team from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Tokyo. Visionnav is committed to applying artificial intelligence (AI), environmental perception, deep learning and servo control technologies to driverless industrial vehicles, and providing high-performance driverless industrial vehicles and unmanned logistics solutions, helping companies achieve "machine replacing human" and improve logistics efficiency, storage capacity and digital management.


"Our products had been deployed in more than 50 large projects in China, including many difficult application scenarios, such as unmanned storage with over 9.4 meters high racks, unmanned storage with only 2.0 meters aisle, unmanned loading and unloading scenesmulti-layer racks stacking scenes and so on." said Kiki Ren, Japan sales director of VisionNav Robotics. She hopes to communicate with Japanese companies at “Logis-Tech Tokyo” about their in-deep demands and to provide better robotic products. So, what’s new with the forklifts this time that can draw visitor’s attention?

1.     Multi-layer racks stacking

driverless forklift for rack stacking

This solution is based on visual recognition technology and servo control technology. The biggest difficulty is to identify different types of racks before stacking them accuratelyespecially it requires to stack over 5 layers, which is a great challenge for driverless forklifts to perform. At present, this solution is mainly applied in automobile manufacturing and third-party logistics.


2.     Storage with narrow aisle

driverless forklift in narrow aisle

Recently, driverless forklifts with slim design have attracted huge attention as it can satisfy the demand of many cost-sensitive enterprises. By removing the manual driving position, forklift can become thinner. It can run within 2m narrow aisle for storage scenes, helping the enterprise improve the storage capacity by about 30%.


3.     AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot)

AMR robot

This AMR robot can reach ±10mm operation accuracy without auxiliary marks. It will be your perfect choice for "goods to person" operation. The system can schedule over 130 robots at the same time and dock with more than 5000 different devices, to meet different requirements in different scenarios. So far our product has been used in semiconductor and electronics industry, panel industry, pharmaceuticals industry, automobile and auto parts industry, food and other industries.

To know more features, welcome to visit VisionNav Robotics booth at No. D403!


YouTube Channel: VNBOT

Line ID: 0809352228