Thursday, May 27, 2021

VisionNav, Korea MAT에서 최신 무인 산업용 자동차 및 솔루션 선보여

세계 굴지의 무인 자동차 공급업체 VisionNav Robotics 국제물류산업대전(Korea MAT)(2021 525~28)에서 유연성과 광범위한 용도를 자랑하는 최신 무인 물류 솔루션을 선보였다. 무인 기술에 IIoT(Industrial Internet of Things) 기술을 결합한  신규 솔루션은 복잡한 시나리오에서 신속하게 무인 물류를 실현하고, 기업이 물류 효율성과 디지털 관리 역량을 높일  있도록 지원한다.

2016년에 설립된 VisionNav 무인 산업용 자동차에 인공 지능(AI), 환경 인식, 딥러닝  서보 조종장치 기술을 적용하는  전념하는 기업이다. VisionNav 세계 곳곳에서 65건이 넘는 프로젝트를 진행했으며, 세계500 기업들에 서비스를 진행하고 있다 .

VisionNav 한국 세일즈 한예화 이사는  "코로나 발생  공장과 창고 물류 모두에서 상당한 압박을 받았다"라며작업자를 대체하고자 로봇을 도입하기 시작한 기업이 점점 증가했다" 언급했다. VisionNav 파트너사들은 Korea MAT에서 창의적인 제품과 솔루션을 전시한다.

1. 다층 적재

VisionNav 솔루션의 유연성과 반복 가능성에 항상 초점을 맞추고 있다. 케이지를 사용한 환경에 대해 VisionNav케이지의 다층 적재와 제품의 무인 다층 적재 솔루션을 내놓았다 .자동차와 식품 같은 제조 산업에서 이와 같은 솔루션을 필요로 한다. 또한VisionNav  새로운 알고리즘과 하이브리드 센서도 이용하여 타 업체보다 물류 효율성을 300% 높일  있다.

2. RFID 장착된 공유 팔레트

내장 RFID 칩과  데이터 세트가 장착된  공유 는 무인 지게차의 물류 흐름을 바탕으로 상품 정보를 추적하고, 정보의 흐름을 일치시킬  있다. 또한, 이는 트럭 상하차 효율성을 최소 50% 높이고, 운영비를 낮추는  일조한다. 이와 같은 공유 팔레트는 100% 재활용  재활용 가능한 플라스틱으로 제작하기 때문에 탄소 배출량을 줄이는  기여하는 한편, 환경 보호에 유리하다.

Interact Analysis 따르면, 2020 이동로봇 출하량은 70,602이며  이에 대한 총수익은 235800 달러를 기록했고, 2024년에는 140 달러를 돌파할 전망이라고 한다. 일본이나 한국 같이  첨단 제조 산업이 번성하는 나라에서는 많은 기업이 노동력 부족하고 인건비가 높아지는  영향을 상쇄시키기 위해 물류 로봇을 도입하고 있다. 이것이 바로 Korea MAT에서 새로운 물류 기술이 부상하고, 공급망을 위한 새로운 가능성을 제시하는 이유다.

VisionNav showcased latest driverless industrial vehicles and solution at KoreaMAT

VisionNav Robotics, a globally leading supplier of driverless vehicles, showcased their latest unmanned logistics solution for flexibility and expansive applications at KoreaMATMay 25-28, 2021, the largest international logistics exhibition in Korea. Combining driverless technology and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) technology, this new solution can help companies quickly realize unmanned logistics in complex scenarios, and improve logistics efficiency and digital management capabilities.


(Pic: VisionNav showcased driverless forklifts at KoreaMAT)


“Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the logistics (both factory and warehouse logistics) has been under tremendous pressure, more and more companies have started to introduce robots to replace manual operations”, said Vivian Han, Sales Director of Korea at VisionNav. As one of the earliest companies providing driverless industrial vehicles, VisionNav and its partners exhibited creative products and solutions during the show:


1.   Multi-Layer Goods Stacking

VisionNav always focus on the flexibility and replicability of the solution. Based on their previous multi-layer stillage stacking application, VisionNav introduced multi-layer goods stacking application. "Stillage stacking and goods stacking have much technical things in common, and these solutions have wide range of needs in manufacturing industry such as automobile and food.”. VisionNav also use new algorithm in the new application, which can improve logistics efficiency by 300% compared to other algorithms in the market. In addition, adding hybrid sensors for motion control also provides more reliable environmental data for stacking control.

2.     Shared Pallet with RFID

Shared pallet with built-in RFID chips and big data set can track goods information and match information flow with the logistics flow of driverless industrial vehicles. It can help to improve truck loading and unloading efficiency by at least 50% and reduce operating costs. These shared pallets are made of 100% recyclable and sustainable plastics, helping to reduce carbon emissions and making benefit to the environment.

According to data from Interact Analysis, shipments of mobile robots was 70,602 units in 2020 with total revenue of 2,358 million dollars. The revenue is expected to exceed 14,000 million dollars in 2024. For countries such as Japan and South Korea who thrives in high-end manufacturing, many companies are introducing logistics robots to revert their supply chains and counter the impact of labor shortages, This is also why new logistics technologies are emerging at this year’s KoreaMAT, providing new possibilities for the supply chian in manufacturing industry. “We see three trends that are taking place in the market, which exactly are also our directions to distribute our layout” said Vivian,

1.     Strong demand in logistics scenarios, especially for difficult and complex applications, such as truck loading and unloading, high-speed sorting, and high-level storage and retrieval.

2.     Customers prefer solutions with high flexibility. Instead of introducing large automated warehouses, most of the manufacturing companies are looking for more economic and smart solutions that conform to the existing business processes;

3.     SaaS platform based on IIoT technology becomes a trend. Particularly when 5G communication is popularized gradually, Internet of Things (IIoT) can help to improve corporate decision-making and management capabilities.

VisionNav was founded in 2016 by a PhD team from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Tokyo. The company is committed to applying artificial intelligence (AI), environmental perception, deep learning and servo control technologies to driverless industrial vehicles. VisionNav now has completed its B2 round funding of totally $15 million, which is led by IDG capital, Lenovo Capital and Eastern bell Capital. So far there are more than 50 projects deployed all over the world, serving many Fortune 500 companies.