Sunday, October 17, 2021

Visionnav Robotics最新モデルAGFが東京国際物流総合展で発表

 1013日、日本最大規模の物流展示会――国際物流総合展INNOVATION EXPOが開催され、1015日まで続いて、三日間で物流、製造、貿易等の業界の方々が2万人程来場された。展示会期間中、VisionnavRoboticsのカウンターバランス型無人フォークVNP15が無人運搬、多層段積み等の実現を行い、注目を集めた。これも新モデルが世界範囲での初公開となる。

「今回の展示会を通して、アフターコロナ向けに構内物流の無人化・省人化促進に新しい技術と選択をお客様に提供できたらと思います。展示会はコロナ前並みの大盛況で、日本市場での事業拡大に更に自信を持っています。」とVisionnav Roboticsの日本市場責任者Kiki.Ren意気込む


ラインの物流改善は今回展示会の注目話題の一つで、生産管理システムとドッキングして、Visionvav RoboticsAGFはアームロボット、及び端末と連携し、構内物流の自動化を完結することが出来る。展示会現場でアームロボットがパレタイジング作業完了したら、システムに同期して、システムよりAGFに運搬のタスクを指示し、AGFを指定する目的地にパレットを運搬して、マニュアルでデパレタイジングを行う。それとともに、アームロボットの作業期間中に、AGFがバッファエリアで鉄パレの多層段積み作業をする実演を行った。Visionnav RoboticsAGFは有人フォークとの協同作業、多種多様設備との連動が出来、プロジェクトの立ち上げ期間は最短7日で、無人化改造需要がある伝統ラインと自動化ラインに最適である。



「効率、正確率、適応性、安全性能は企業様がAGFを選定する時の主な関心課題です」とKiki.Renが紹介した。他社さんと違って、VisionNav Roboticsは無人運転のフレームでAGFを開発し、AGFのセンシング力と制御力を磨いて、作業効率、精度及び複雑環境での適応性を高め、お客様の無人化・省人化課題を解決している。


AGFの作業精度は全体マップに対しての位置決め精度とフォーク爪側の作業精度の二つに分けられる。前者に関しては、VisionNav Roboticsは現場改造の少ないビジョンナビゲーションを採用している。フォーク爪側の作業精度に関しては、「ビジョン+3Dレーザー」の融合センサーを利用し、フォーク爪の操作に精度の高い環境情報を提供して、制御面で、アルゴリズムのアップグレードによって、貨物・パレットの置く精度を±20mmを実現できた。




100案件の実際導入及び超500案件の設計経験から、AGFの作業環境がいつも複雑だというのを認識でき、トラックの積み付・積み下ろし、高層ラックの棚出し・棚入れ、パレットの段積み等が挙げられる。更に、有人フォークとの協同作業、人工作業及び貨物が標準化できない等の課題もある。そのため、AGF自体の開発だけではなく、AGFと他システムの連動等もVisionNav Roboticsとして注目している。例えば、Bright eyeという環境モニターニングシステムの開発で、天井からそこにいる、人、作業車両および保管ロケーションをモニターニングし、AGFの作業に更に多様な環境データを提供することができる。



AGFの安全性能部分も来場者の関心話題となる。車体の安全保護および障害物検知部分、VisionNav Roboticsは国際安全設計標準に準じて、360度障害物センサーが機能し、安全性能が高い。昨年の2020年に、VisionNav RoboticsTVグループが認証した2006/42/ECEU機械指令および最新国際標準ISO3691-4:2020に準したCE証書も取得した。

VisionNav Robotics2016年に設立され、無人産業用車両の開発に注力し、お客様に無人産業車を中心にする物流無人化ソリューションを提供している。今までは、8シリーズのAGF及び無人牽引車を開発、生産している。9.4mの高層ラックの棚出し・棚入れ、2.0m狭い通路でのパレット保管、トラックへの無人積み付・積む卸し、パレットの多層段積み等需要の高いシチュエーションの開発課題を突破し、自動車、タイヤ、食品、石油化学、EC物流、3PL、薬品等の業界で超50トップ企業様で導入実績がある。今年の9月に、数億人民元のCラウンド融資が完了し、投資企業はバイトダンス、Shunwei Capital , ChinaUnicomCICC,IDGCapital,LenovoVentures 及びEasternbellcapitalとなる。

VisionNav's New Driverless forklift (AGF) debuts at Logis-Tech Tokyo 2021 in Tokyo, Japan


On October 13, Logis-Tech Tokyo 2021,the largest professional logistics exhibition in Japan, opened. The exhibition lasted from October 13th to 15th for a period of three days. Attracted almost 20000 business representatives and professional visitors from logistics, manufacturing, machinery, trade and other industries to visit the exhibition. During the exhibition, VisionNav's latest counterbalanced stacker forklift VNP15 was unveiled, demonstrating unmanned handling and stacking operations, which attracted much attention on exhibition site. It is worth noting that this is also the world's first appearance of this new product after its launch and the order was signed on the same day.

“We hope that through this exhibition, new technologies and new options will be provided for unmanned upgrading of industrial internal logistics in the post-epidemic period. The number of visitors at this exhibition has reached the level of 2019 before the epidemic, and we remain optimistic about business expansion in the Japanese market," said Kiki Ren, Japan Sales Director of VisionNav.


Flexible docking of automation equipment, a new path for production line logistics upgrading.

The upgrade of production line logistics is one of the focuses of this exhibition. By connecting to the production management system, VisionNav’s unmanned forklift can seamlessly connect with manipulators and artificial terminals to complete the closed loop of internal logistics automation. At the exhibition site, the palletizing manipulator synchronizes the information to the system after palletizing. Then the system sends handling instructions to counterbalanced forklift, dispatches the forklift to the designated location to pick up the goods, and transfers to the production line for manual disassembly . At the same time, in the buffer area, in addition to conventional pallet handling,it also demonstrated the stacking operation of multi-layer storage cages for special material placement requirements.VisionNav’s highly flexible driverless forklift products are easy to connect with man-machines and multiple equipment. The fastest project introduction takes only 7 days, which is very suitable for traditional or automated production lines with unmanned logistics requirements.


Focus on customer demands and improve products’core capabilities

"Work efficiency, accuracy, and import complexity are the three most concerned factors when enterprises choose driverless forklift products," Kiki Ren said. Different from traditional manufacturers, VisionNav develops driverless forklifts based on the unmanned driving framework, focusing on enhance the perception and control capabilities of vehicles, improving operating efficiency, accuracy and adaptability to complex scenarios, and quickly helping companies achieve "machine replace person" .

1) Precision

VisionNav believes that the operation accuracy of driverless forklift products mainly includes two aspects: global positioning accuracy and local operation accuracy. At the global positioning level, VisionNav’s driverless forklifts use visual navigation technology with less environmental transformation. In terms of local operation accuracy,VisionNav has developed a "vision + 3D laser" high-sensitivity hybrid sensor to provide accurate environmental information for terminal operations. And in terms of motion control, the accuracy of repeated delivery reaches ±20mm after multiple iterations of the algorithm.

2) Efficiency

We always believe that efficiency is the key indicator for the success of driverless forklift products. Efficiency does not only refer to the driving speed, but more importantly, the accuracy and smoothness of local actions. For example, when two forklifts carry the same cargo, the driving speed is inseparable. But the time spent on forklifting pallets is very different, which is a great test of the control ability of driverless forklift." VisionNav Robotics has undergone multiple algorithm iterations and a large number of project practices. At present, the efficiency of driverless forklifts has reached the efficiency of manual operations. "Compared with previous version, the efficiency under the new algorithm has increased by nearly 300%. We are very pleased to share the new algorithm with many old customers to help companies further improve logistics efficiency."


3) Ability to adapt to complex scenarios

Based on more than 100 projects and over 500 proposed solutions experiences, VisionNav team deeply realizes that the operating environment of driverless forklifts is quite complex, not only spanning multiple scenarios, including truck loading and unloading, put away and retrieval from high level racks, pallet stacking, stillage cage staking,etc, also need to face problems such as man-machine mixing, random placement of goods, and non-standard goods. Therefore, during the process of product development, VisionNav will not only pay attention to the development of singal vehicle capabilities, but also focus on the expansibility of products, including environmental perception, customer system docking, and automation facility docking capabilities. For example, Bright-eye system can track people, vehicles, and storage locations from the top of the production line, and provide more environmental data for driverless forklift operations.


4) Security

The maximum safe driving speed, safety control module, and safety performance of driverless forklifts have also attracted much attention from visitors. In terms of body protection and obstacle avoidance, VisionNav Robotics strictly follows international safety design standards, and is equipped with 360°laser obstacle avoidance, which is safe and reliable. In the past 2020, VisionNav Robotics has obtained the CE certificate for driverless industrial vehicles in compliance with the 2006/42/EC and ISO 3691-4: 2020 issued by TV SÜD Group.

About VisionNav Robotics

VisionNav, founded in 2016, a global leader in industrial driverless vehicles, is committed to empower vehicles with technology and provides flexible unmanned logistics solutions with core of industrial driverless vehicles. At present, it has developed and produced 8 series of driveless forklifts and tractors products, which broke through 9.4m high access, 2.0m narrow aisle access, driverless loading and unloading trucks, and multi-layer mobile frame stacking. More than 50 industry benchmark companies have field application cases, covering automobile manufacturing, tires, food, petrochemicals, e-commerce logistics, third-party logistics, pharmaceuticals and other fields. In September this year, VisionNav completed hundreds of millions of Yuan in C-round funding. Investors include Bytedance, Shunwei Capital, China Unicom CICC, IDG Capital, Lenovo Ventures and Eastern bell capital.